• Question: how does fat affect blood cell production within the body

    Asked by Will Grange to Loan on 12 Nov 2015.
    • Photo: Loan Nguyen

      Loan Nguyen answered on 12 Nov 2015:

      Dear Will,
      I don’t believe that fat has a direct effect on blood cell synthesis. Blood cells, red, white and platelets are made in the bone marrow ( the white stuff inside the bone). The rate of blood cell production is controlled by the body’s needs. External conditions such as reduced oxygen level (i.e for those who life on the mountains) can promote red blood cell production.

      Doctors and nurses often do a white blood cell count if you need a blood test. This is because the production of white blood cells increase rapidly in response to infections. And if you have a bleeding wound, your body will be very quick to produce platelets, to help lot the blot and stop further bleeding.

      The life span of a normal red blood cell is around 120 days, white blood cells lasts only around 7 days or less.

      Im sorry i have not answered your question but i hope that information is useful.

