• Question: what do u research

    Asked by cakeking to Loan, Praveen on 9 Nov 2015. This question was also asked by Nikita-Louise.
    • Photo: Loan Nguyen

      Loan Nguyen answered on 9 Nov 2015:

      To put it simply, I want to find out if calcium (the stuff in milk) has a role in a disease call atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is a health condition where a blood vessel (or many vessels) is blocked by the build up of fat.

      Calcium has many roles in our body. It helps are heart pump and keeps our braining thinking. The calcium level in our body is very tightly policed. Even when we eat lots of calcium in our diet, this has little affect on our body because the body will not absorb any excess calcium. When our body does not produce enough calcium, or when it becomes de-regulated, we can feel unwell.

      Calcium can enter and leave a cell through many different channels. I study the action of one of these channels in healthy and in atherosclerotic conditions. I look at how much of this channel is present in health and disease and what might cause these changes.

      Hope that anwers your question. Keep on asking, it is the best way to learn.

