• Question: what is at the bottom of a black hole?

    Asked by kyralrtk to Cristina, Gemma, Loan, Praveen on 18 Nov 2015.
    • Photo: Gemma Barron

      Gemma Barron answered on 18 Nov 2015:

      Hi @kyralrtk,
      Thank you for your very interesting question. I am not a physicist so I’m maybe not the best person to answer your question fully but, I’ve read that black holes are 3D objects that don’t have a bottom or even a top and so they only have a center. Anything that enters into a black holes is crushed into a single point at the center and it will sit there for a very long time or be pushed into another dimension. It’s totally amazing to me and I would love to find out more about them so, you have started my new obsession!! 🙂 Thanks, Gemma
