• Question: Do you enjoy giving praise or receiving praise?

    Asked by jflynn to Michael, Gemma on 11 Nov 2015.
    • Photo: Gemma Barron

      Gemma Barron answered on 11 Nov 2015:

      Hi @jflynn,
      Thank you for your question. I’m going to sit on the fence with my answer and say that I enjoy giving praise to my students but, I also receiving praise for the work that I am doing from my peers or my line manager – I’m only human and I think that everyone likes to hear that they are doing something well. I think that both are required and important for a scientist so that we can grow and improve ourselves or look at what areas we are good at with the areas that we might need to improve in order to get the feedback and I feel that that is translated to our students too. I hope that answers your question.
      Thanks, Gemma
