• Question: how do energy drinks effect your heart if used frequently over a long period of time?

    Asked by 724hrtd28 to Cristina, Gemma, Loan, Michael, Praveen on 16 Nov 2015.
    • Photo: Cristina Villa del Campo

      Cristina Villa del Campo answered on 16 Nov 2015:

      Hi 724hrtd28,

      Energy drinks like red bull (for example) have a lot of caffeine and many also have s substance that is called taurine. The main problem with energy drinks is their high content in caffeine and sugar. Energy drinks will increase your heart rate and your blood pressure so if you take a lot during long periods it can definitely affect your heart.
      We did an experiment in a heart putting just two drops of red bull and you wouldn’t believe how much it sped up! This one heart sped up a lot and then just stopped because it had been too much for it. Obviously we were using a small chick heart but we could see with our eyes the effect and I haven’t had an energy drink since.
