• Question: which type of blood vessel would have the most fat deposits

    Asked by MahlaiH to Loan on 15 Nov 2015.
    • Photo: Loan Nguyen

      Loan Nguyen answered on 15 Nov 2015:

      Dear Malai,
      From my understanding, it is the arteries that are most at risk of fat deposit. This is because the blood flow in arteries are at higher pressure compare to veins and therefore are at higher risk of mechanical damage than other blood vessels in the body. Any injury to the inner lining of the artery vessels will attract fatty deposits. Blood flowing in veins are at lower pressure therefore are less likely to become damaged and thus less prone to fatty deposits and blockages.

      Additionally, the structure of arteries, being thicker than veins also make arteries more prone to fat deposits as more fat can collect in the thick artery walls. Veins have thinner walls and thus less likely to collect enough fat to cause blockage of blood flow.

      This said, there are reports that blood flowing through very small veins can be blocked as a result of fat deposits.

      I hope I have answered your question. If you have any other query please send it to me.

